Best Life Insurance For Smokers In Canada (Updated in 2024)


Did you know that life insurance for smokers is double to triple the price of non-smokers? That can add up to thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars more that smokers pay over the life of the policy!

But not all life insurance companies treat smokers the same way. The trick is to find the one that views you as low risk and offers you the best rates.

This comprehensive guide will reveal how smoking affects your life insurance rates and how you can get the best life insurance policy as a smoker.

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9 Dangerous Hobbies That Affect Your Life Insurance Rates

dangerous hobbies life insurance

Are you a thrill-seeker who loves dangerous hobbies? Did you know that participating in these high-risk activities can affect your life insurance rates?

You could end up paying thousands more for life insurance. Even worse, the insurance company could deny coverage altogether.

What are the 9 activities insurance companies consider dangerous, and what factors do they look at when determining your rate?

This post answers those questions and more.

By the end, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to get the coverage you need.

So if you’re a thrill-seeker looking for life insurance, this post is for you.

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