Are Life Insurance Proceeds Taxable In Canada?


You know that becoming an informed consumer is key to any significant purchase—especially one as important as life insurance.

But even if you’ve done your homework, you may have many unanswered questions about the taxation of life insurance:

Do you have to pay taxes on your life insurance proceeds in Canada?
If so, when would your family receive the death benefit?
Is this money subject to other taxes?
What happens if you don’t have a beneficiary?

The list of questions goes on and on. But by learning as much as possible about life insurance—either on your own or with advice from a professional—you can do more to protect your loved ones by making sure they receive the most money in the easiest way possible.

Manulife Vitality: Buy Life Insurance, Get a Free Apple Watch

Manulife Vitality Apple Watch

Are you looking for a life insurance policy to motivate you to become more healthy and lead an active life?

How about one that rewards you with lower premiums and prizes like a free Apple Watch?

Now you can with Manulife Vitality.

In this post, I’ll explain to you what Manulife Vitality is and how it works.

You’ll also learn if it’s the right kind of insurance for you to protect your family and achieve your health goals.

Let’s get started.

Corporate Insured Retirement Program

corporate life insurance tax-sheltered retirement

On average, small business owners have 80% of their assets tied up inside their corporations.

The challenge for them is to do the following in a tax-efficient manner:

Invest the funds
Withdraw the funds to supplement their retirement
Transfer the assets to their heirs

This post explains how the corporate insured retirement program can help you achieve all the above.

I Analyzed 15 Life Insurance Calculators. Here’s What I Learned

life insurance calculator comparison

I analyzed 15 life insurance calculators to answer the burning question:

How much life insurance should you get?

I looked at the recommended amount to buy. I looked at the ease of use. I even looked at the design of the calculator.

What did I learn? More importantly, which one should you use?

Let’s get started.

Best Life Insurance For Smokers In Canada (Updated in 2024)


Did you know that life insurance for smokers is double to triple the price of non-smokers? That can add up to thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars more that smokers pay over the life of the policy!

But not all life insurance companies treat smokers the same way. The trick is to find the one that views you as low risk and offers you the best rates.

This comprehensive guide will reveal how smoking affects your life insurance rates and how you can get the best life insurance policy as a smoker.

How Does Cannabis Use Affect Life Insurance?


Do you use marijuana?

You might know that cannabis usage can affect your ability to buy life insurance. The good news is, there are plenty of ways to get affordable coverage if you use marijuana.

In this post, we reveal how life insurance companies treat marijuana users. You will also find out how much insurance will cost for them.

In the end, you can make an informed decision about getting the right policy to protect your family.

Bill to prohibit genetic discrimination is now law

Genetic testing

On May 4, 2017, Bill S-201: An Act to prohibit and prevent genetic discrimination received Royal Assent and became law. The bill prohibits any person or insurance company from requiring an individual to undergo a genetic test or requiring an individual to disclose the results of a genetic test as a condition of obtaining insurance.

What to do with your term insurance policy as you head into retirement

term insurance in retirement

It’s no secret that life insurance becomes more expensive as we age. Premiums are related to the mortality rate and the decrease in our life expectancy as we get older is reflected in the increased premiums. What you may not realize is that this risk is not represented by a linear line. If you graph the probability of death from an actuarial life table, you would notice that the probability of death increases exponentially as we age. What this means for term insurance is that renewal premium also rises exponentially, such that they become unaffordable during retirement. So, what are your options for your term insurance policy as you head into retirement?

How You Can Save Thousands By Laddering Life Insurance

laddering life insurance

What is the life insurance laddering strategy?

No, you don’t build an actual ladder with life insurance. (How would that work anyway?)

Instead, you buy term insurance of different lengths (term-10, term-20, etc) at the same time so that you coverage is staggered.

This ensures that you pay only for coverage you need while saving money in the process. It could end up saving you over $10,000!

Read on to find out how this strategy works.