Corporate Insured Retirement Program

On average, small business owners have 80% of their assets tied up inside their corporations.
The challenge for them is to do the following in a tax-efficient manner:
Invest the funds
Withdraw the funds to supplement their retirement
Transfer the assets to their heirs
This post explains how the corporate insured retirement program can help you achieve all the above.
Joint Last-To-Die Life Insurance: Pros and Cons (Updated in 2024)

You might have heard that life insurance can cover more than 1 life.
One of these types of policies, joint first-to-die, pays out on the first death of 2 or more people.
The other, the topic of this post, is joint last-to-die.
As you can probably guess by its name, the insurance company pays out the death benefit when the last person on the policy passes away.
In this post, we will explore the advantages and drawbacks of joint last-to-die life insurance and whether you should use it.
Do You Need Life Insurance In Retirement?

Do you need life insurance after you retire?
Maybe you’ve been holding on to a policy for a long time. Or maybe you’re thinking of buying a new one.
Whatever the case, you’ll want to make sure you make the right decision.
In this post, you’ll learn:
-Why you need life insurance in retirement
-Why you don’t need it
-What type of insurance you should get
-How much insurance you need
And much more. Let’s get started.
Wealth Transfer Using Life Insurance

Are you looking for a way to transfer your wealth to your children in the most efficient way possible?
Did you know you can do this with the wealth transfer strategy using life insurance?
With this strategy, you:
Reduce the tax you have to pay
Avoid costly probate and other estate fees
Can build up significant cash value inside the policy tax-sheltered
And much more.
So if you’re want to know more about how this strategy can help protect your wealth, this post is for you.
Let’s get started.
Estate Planning Using Life Insurance

This is the complete guide to estate planning using life insurance.
In this post, you will learn:
-What estate planning is
-How much tax, probate fees, and other costs your estate has to pay
-How life insurance is a cost-effective way to cover these expenses, preserving your estate for your loved ones
So if you’ve ever wondered how life insurance fits into your estate plan, you’re in the right place.
Lifetime Gift Annuity: The Perfect Gift For A Grandchild

Your grandchildren deserve the best.
A lifetime gift annuity is a way to provide your grandchild with an income for life, even after you die. It’s a great way to give your grandchild financial security without having to worry about them later in life.
In this post, we explain what a lifetime gift annuity is and how it works.
Creditor Protection And Life Insurance

Do you have assets that you want to protect from creditors?
Did you know that insurance products like life insurance, annuities, and segregated funds can provide creditor protection?
In this post, you will learn:
Why creditor protection is so important for business owners
How you can shield your assets from creditors using insurance products
And much more.
So if you want to find out how you can use life insurance to shield your assets from creditors, this post is for you.
Charitable Giving Using Life Insurance

Charitable donations totaled $9.6 billion in 2017, and this number is on the rise.
But did you know that besides donating cash, you can also give the gift of a life insurance policy?
How does it work? And what are the tax benefits?
In this post, we’ll go over your options for charitable giving using life insurance. You’ll learn:
-Which method gives you a tax credit while you’re alive and which one gives it when you pass away
-What type of life insurance you should use for charitable giving
-How using life insurance can increase your contribution by 50% compared to other investments
Let’s begin.
What Is An Insured Annuity?

Are you looking for a way to provide for your family and protect your assets?
An insured annuity is the perfect solution. It provides guaranteed income, while also providing protection against inflation and market fluctuations. In the end, your assets pass on to your loved ones in an efficient way.
With an insured annuity, you can rest assured that no matter what happens in the future, your loved ones will be taken care of.
Read on to learn more about how an insured annuity works.
Permanent life insurance: 5 most common uses

Permanent life insurance has long been compared to term life insurance in terms of suitability and usage. While some favour term, permanent has its own set of benefits and uses. In this post we highlight permanent life insurance and its 5 most common uses: final expenses, investment/insurance hybrid, legacy, estate equalization, business applications.