Wealth Transfer Using Life Insurance

Are you looking for a way to transfer your wealth to your children in the most efficient way possible?
Did you know you can do this with the wealth transfer strategy using life insurance?
With this strategy, you:
Reduce the tax you have to pay
Avoid costly probate and other estate fees
Can build up significant cash value inside the policy tax-sheltered
And much more.
So if you’re want to know more about how this strategy can help protect your wealth, this post is for you.
Let’s get started.
Lifetime Gift Annuity: The Perfect Gift For A Grandchild

Your grandchildren deserve the best.
A lifetime gift annuity is a way to provide your grandchild with an income for life, even after you die. It’s a great way to give your grandchild financial security without having to worry about them later in life.
In this post, we explain what a lifetime gift annuity is and how it works.
Product review: Industrial Alliance’s Child Life and Health Duo

As Canadians looking for insurance to protect our families from loss, we’re blessed with the number of insurance companies offering innovative products and solutions. Here at Brian So Insurance, we want to discuss and review these specialty products. For the most part, basic products such as term and permanent do not vary widely among carriers. So what we want to delve into here are specialty products, such as LifePhases and LifePhases Plus by Assumption Life. These are usually offered only by one carrier to differentiate themselves from the rest of the pack. They can be combination type insurance, mixing life and different types of health insurance together as a package. For this post we are going to talk about Child Life and Health Duo, a combination type insurance that incorporates life and critical illness insurance into one policy. Child Life and Health Duo is a unique product offered only by Industrial Alliance.
Do you need to insure your children?

Last week we looked at if insurance was necessary for the elderly, so we’ll follow it up this week with the same question applied to children. Children are the pride of our lives. They bring joy and smiles to their parents’ faces. But they’re obviously not the breadwinner of the family – that role belongs to the parents. Still, as we explained last week, that is not the only qualifier for whether or not to have insurance placed on a family member. Are there other reasons for you to insure your children?